Emergency Department Services at Jenkins County Medical Center
At Jenkins County Medical Center, we understand emergencies can happen anytime. The emergency room at our facility is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. We can provide our patients with several services for various illnesses and injuries. Our emergency department staff at Jenkins County Medical Center are qualified and credentialed providers ready to deliver quality medical care to our patients.
Care Services and Partnerships in Our Emergency Department
There are many reasons why you may find yourself in need of emergency care. Our emergency department has different resources to ensure our patients receive the best care possible for their medical condition. Through our partnerships with SouthlandMD and Augusta University Hospital, we can provide excellent care, efficient transfers, and greater access to post-hospitalization visits and appointments.
SouthlandMD Partnership
In 2018, Jenkins County Medical Center partnered with SouthlandMD to bring board-certified emergency department physicians, Physician Assistants, and Nurse Practitioners to staff and manage the Emergency Department. SouthlandMD works seamlessly with the Jenkins County Medical Center medical staff in providing excellent care to each patient on a daily basis. The primary goal of the Emergency Room is to stabilize the patient and then evaluate the need for a higher level of care or medical-surgical intervention.
Tele-Acute Program at Jenkins County Medical Center
In 2022, Jenkins County Medical Center partnered with Augusta University Hospital in their Tele-Medicine program to create an easier way for our patients to get expert emergency medicine. This program has been largely successful for our facility and patients. With this virtual program, our local providers can receive help treating patients needing more specialized care. Whether they need OB/GYN, pediatric, cardiology, or neurology care, we now have the resources to treat those areas.
This program aims to connect board-certified specialists from Augusta University Hospital to a rural area like Jenkins County. They have virtual access to work in conjunction with the providers onsite to provide the highest quality medical care for those patients who need to stay close to home.
In addition to having more access to specialized care, our Telehealth program allows specialty physicians to meet with providers and their patients admitted at Jenkin County Medical Center. The specialist will have access to review EKG results, vital signs, and electronic charts, allowing for the best medical plan possible.
Stroke/Tele-Stroke Network
Jenkins County Medical Center has partnered with Augusta University Hospital and its nationally recognized Stroke/Tele-stroke Network program. This program began in 2003 and has helped countless patients from rural areas receive high-quality stroke treatment.
This program aims to provide consults for rural hospitals without neurological specialists in their facilities. When a patient comes into our emergency department with stroke symptoms, we now have access to board-certified neurology doctors who can advise our physicians on the best course of action, whether the patient needs more diagnostic imaging, medication, or being transferred. Once stroke symptoms begin, a specialist should see the patient as soon as possible.
This partnership with Augusta University Hospital allows our patients to have access to neurological and stroke expertise 24/7. This program allows for less travel time, getting our patient’s the fastest treatment possible, and lowers the chances of having long-lasting disabilities from a stroke.
Radiology Services in the Emergency Department
When our patients come into our emergency room with an illness or injury requiring radiology imaging, we can perform the necessary diagnostic tests in our facility. Jenkins County Medical Center offers several radiology services through the emergency room 24 hours a day. Our hospital is equipped with X-ray, ultrasound, and C.T. scanners. Although imaging is not always necessary, it is essential to have access to it in an emergency.
Our radiology department is staffed with highly qualified technologists and radiologists to help diagnose our emergency room patients. Access to different radiology services gives our providers the necessary resources to diagnose and treat our patients adequately.
Jenkins County Medical Center Provides Patients with Superior Care in Our Emergency Department
At Jenkins County Medical Center, our emergency department has a top-rated team. With our board-certified physicians, advanced practice providers, credentialed nurses, high-quality technologists, and nationally recognized partnerships with SouthlandMD and Augusta University, our facility has the resources to help patients needing immediate medical attention.
**Call 911 if you are experiencing a medical emergency**
Millen, Georgia, is located 50 miles south of Augusta, Georgia and 79 miles North West of Savannah.
12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
No more than two visitors permitted in room at one time.
No visitors younger than 13 years of age.
ON TRACK Behavioral Health Remains closed to visitors at this time.
Lobby and Cafeteria remain closed to the public.
931 East Winthrope Ave
Millen, Georgia 30442
MAIN: (478) 982-4221
EMAIL: contactus@jcmcga.com