Medical Services
Servicing Jenkins County
Emergency Care: 24 hours a day, 365 days
Main Phone: (478) 982 – 4221
931 East Winthorpe Ave.,
Millen, Georgia 30442
Jenkins County Medical Center, located in Millen, Georgia, serves the rural community of Jenkins and surrounding counties. As the area’s full-service hospital, our medical staff strives to provide our rural area with specialized medical care services, which may not be available to our residents otherwise.
Partnerships & Community
As our facility has expanded, we have partnered with a number of larger facilities, such as Augusta University Medical Center and SouthlandMD, to provide the best care possible for our patients in our facility.
Through our partnerships with SouthlandMD and Augusta University Medical Center, our medical team is able to provide exceptional care for patients needing emergency medicine, specialized care in Neurology, OB/GYN, Cardiology, Pediatrics, and high-quality stroke treatment.
Jenkins County Medical also operates specialty clinics for Cardiology, Pain Management, and Orthopedic services in partnership with Burke Health and Augusta-Aiken Orthopedic.
Emergency Room
Laboratory Services
Diabetes Management Clinic
Rehabilitation Services
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
On Track Behavioral Health
Radiology Services
Swing Bed Program

Millen, Georgia, is located 50 miles south of Augusta, Georgia and 79 miles North West of Savannah.
Directions from Perkins, Georgia – Head west towards Rodgers Ln. Turn left onto US-25 South. In 6 miles, turn left onto GA-21 South. Turn right onto GA-23 S/N Mosonic St, then turn left onto College Ave. Jenkins County Medical Center will be on the right.
Directions from East Georgia – Start heading west on GA – 21 toward Bay Branch Road. Turn left onto GA – 67 South to East Winthrope Ave. In 1.7 miles, turn right and make an immediate left and we’ll be on the left.
Directions from Statesboro, Georgia – Head North on US-25 for 28 mines until reaching West Winthrope Ave. Turn right and continue straight onto East Winthrope Ave. Turn left and Jenkins County Medical Center will be on the left hand side.
Millen, Georgia, is located 50 miles south of Augusta, Georgia and 79 miles North West of Savannah.
12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
No more than two visitors permitted in room at one time.
No visitors younger than 13 years of age.
ON TRACK Behavioral Health Remains closed to visitors at this time.
Lobby and Cafeteria remain closed to the public.
931 East Winthrope Ave
Millen, Georgia 30442
MAIN: (478) 982-4221
EMAIL: contactus@jcmcga.com